Current Board:

Past Board

The RAA, formerly the OBAA has enjoyed a long history of excellence.  The organization has been maintained and grown over the years to be one of the most respected organizations in youth sports.  We pay homage to those who have put in their time for the betterment of the program.  Some members were only able to volunteer for a few months, while other members dedicated years to the area's youth by serving on the board.  A big debt of gratitude and thank you to all of our past board members.  (NOTE: This list is incomplete and is a work in process.  We are adding past board members we discover on a regular basis).

  • Linda Aber
  • Kevin Aftanas
  • David Anderson
  • Jim Ashbaugh
  • Jon Brenza
  • Mike Cebulak
  • Mike Collins
  • Tara Conroy
  • Dom Conte
  • Jason Deem
  • Lisa DeVita
  • Ken DiBucci
  • Tom Dinnin
  • John Franciscus
  • Nancy Harvey
  • Christoph Hudack
  • LuAnn Hunter
  • Marty Kennedy
  • Maureen Kennedy
  • Larry Kumar
  • Gary Lesnick
  • Dom Lio
  • Dave Longstreth
  • Lindsay Loughren
  • Mike Loughren
  • Joe Luciana
  • Regina Lyons
  • Todd Massack
  • Mike McDonough
  • Ken McKeag
  • Tim Metz
  • Richard Ogrodowski
  • Meghan Orbich
  • Frank Paradise
  • Craig Phillips
  • Harry Pietz
  • Bill Povastnik
  • Marty Pronio
  • Mandy Roberts
  • Janet Rossi
  • Butch Schultheis
  • Vince Pugliese
  • Curt Shaw
  • George Soilis
  • Jon Steffey
  • Keith Stitt
  • Jamie Sykes
  • Sam Trentadue
  • Dan Wagner
  • Donna Young
  • Scott Young
  • Raney Zatawski