Revised January 15, 2016
Section 1 The name of this organization is the Riverview Athletic Association (the “Association”). The Association is a non-profit organization located in Oakmont and Verona Boroughs, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Section 1 The mission of the Association is to bring together the residents and students of the Oakmont and Verona communities to promote civic pride, good sportsmanship, physical fitness and athletic skills through participation in basketball, baseball, football and other youth programs.
Section 1 One objective of the Association is to provide sporting opportunities for all children residing or attending schools within the Riverview School District (the “District”).
Section 2 One objective of the Association is to instruct the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, integrity and tolerance.
Section 3 One objective of the Association is to ensure that coaches keep in mind that the primary concern is developing future citizens and that winning games is secondary.
Section 4 The assets accumulated by this Association shall only be used for the furtherance of the program.
Section 5 Other objectives, taking into account the spirit of the above objectives, may be agreed to from time to time by the Board, it its discretion and upon three-fourths 3/4) majority vote of the Board.
Section 1 The Association is responsible for four main sporting Programs; basketball, baseball, softball and flag football. Each program may be separated into Leagues at the discretion of the Board of Directors (the “Board”).
Section 2 The basketball Program is for male and female Player Members in the first (1) through sixth (6) grades.
Section 3 The baseball Program is for Player Members aged five (5) to seventeen (17) years old in accordance with Article V, Section 2(B).
Section 4 The softball Program is for female Player Members aged six (6) to eighteen (18) years old in accordance with Article V, Section 2(B).
Section 5 The flag football program is for male Player Members in the third (3rd) through sixth (6th) grade.
Section 6 Other Programs that are not specifically mentioned in Section 2, 3,4 or 5 of this article may be administered by the Association on a “Temporary” basis provided the Temporary Program and related funding is approved by a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the Board at the beginning of each Program season.
Section 7 Any new Program must be added through an amendment to the by-laws of the Association in accordance with Article VI, Section 8(D).
Section 8 Any existing Program removal from the Association or any material changes to any existing Programs requires a three-fourth (¾) majority of the Board.
Section 1 The Association or Program year shall run from September 1st to August 31st. All term limits are based upon this Section.
Section 2 There are three classifications of Membership.
A. Adult Member
An adult member is considered the parent or guardian of a Playing Member. Adult Members have the right to attend a Board meeting to discuss areas of concern or opportunities for improvement. An Adult Membership is valid only for the current Program year in which a Playing Member is participating. Adult Membership is subject to all applicable Association rules and is subject to revocation in the reasonable discretion of the Association Board.
B. Playing Members
Those participants having a League age between five (5) and eighteen (18).
1. Player Members must be paid in full at the time of the draft. Those Player Members not paid in full must be addressed by the Board in accordance with Article XI, Section 1.
2. League age shall be defined as: For baseball, the age of the Player Member on August 31st of the current year, or for softball, the age of the Player Member as of January 1st of the current year. For basketball and flag football, Player Member must play in their current grade level.
a. For the 2016 and 2017 seasons only, parents may choose to use previous April 30th age definition instead of the amended August 31st date. This will be a one-time decision and the Playing Member may not go back to a previous league nor participate in a different league for tournament play once they have moved up to the higher league.
b. Exceptions can be granted to play down for boys needing further development; however, these boys will not be eligible to pitch at the lower level nor participate in tournament teams. Exceptions are granted only through the baseball sub-committee (see Article IX, Section 2.
3. Player Members must reside or attend school in Oakmont or Verona except as provided by Article V, Section 2(B) (4) below.
4. Once each year, the Board must approve, by a three-fourths (3/4) majority, whether the Association will accept applications for non-District students as Player Members. This approval must be for all applicants, regardless of community or school district, and for all Programs offered by the Association in the Program year.
5. A Player Membership is only valid until the end of the Program season for which a registration fee is paid.
C. Board Members
A Board Member must be an Adult Member and a resident of either Oakmont or Verona Boroughs or have a Player Member attending a school in Oakmont or Verona. A Board Member must be elected by a three fourths (3/4) majority of the existing Board of Directors.
Section 3 Resignation – Any Board Member no longer desiring to be connected with the Association shall so state in writing.
Section 4 A child of any Board Member may play on any other organized teams, but must make the Association Program their first priority. Any Board Member who registers any of their children exclusively in another community organization without registering in a program governed by the RAA is immediately removed from the Board, unless conditions exist (medical, disability, or other) which may warrant such a registration. .
Section 5 The Association is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code). No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its Members, directors, officers or other private persons, except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of Section 501(c)(3) purposes. No substantial part of the activities of the Association shall be carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these By-Laws, the Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation/organization exempt from Federal Income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future federal tax code) or (b) by a corporation/organization, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.)
Section 6 Upon dissolution of this Association, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, i.e. charitable, educational, religious or scientific, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the Federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.
Section 1
The officers of the Association shall be known as the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director of Tax (if required). Board meetings will be held monthly as determined by the President of the Board. The meetings will start at a time designated by the President with consideration of Program activities that may be occurring. The location will be designated by the President. A Board meeting must be held no less than once a month.
Section 2 Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or by a majority of the Board. Three (3) days notice to all Board Members must be given.
Section 3 Quorum. Three fourths (3/4) majority of the Board Members must be present to form a quorum. No business can be transacted or voted upon without a quorum present. In the event that a Board Member must recuse oneself for a vote, said Board Member is still counted to determine whether a quorum is present.
Section 4 Number of Board Members. The Board shall consist of no less than 11 and not more than 16 Board Members.
A. An odd number is desired with the President deciding any tie votes.
B. Diversity of the Board is desired in order to address the needs of the male and female Player Members, the residents of Oakmont and Verona and the various schools of the District.
Section 5 New Board Members. Election of a new Board Member is from nominations by the existing Board. Nominations must consist of Adult Members of the Association.
Section 6 Director of Tax.
- The Director of Tax may be required at the Treasurer’s discretion.
- Calculate and file all necessary tax returns and tax related filings, including, but not limited to:
- Annual Federal Form 990-EZ and supporting forms, schedules and statements
- Annual Pennsylvania Form BCO-10 and BCO-23 and supporting forms, schedules and statements
- Federal Form W-9
- Pennsylvania Forms REV-72 & REV-956 as required
- Pennsylvania Form 54-503 Decennial as required
- All tax related communications with the various taxing agencies and authorities and have tax-only related signature authority
- The Director of Tax is not required to be a member of the general board, whose authority is limited to the tax related issues of the Riverview Athletic Association
Section 7 Term. The Term of a Board Member is four (4) years. Board Members are permitted to have multiple terms.
A. Written resignations may be accepted by the President at any time.
B. A replacement Board Member is nominated and voted upon at the earliest possible Board meeting. The replacement Board Member will complete the term of the Board Member they are replacing.
Section 8 Motions. A motion can be made by any Board Member. Unless otherwise stated in these By-Laws, a simple majority of Board Members voting shall be necessary to pass a motion. Unless otherwise noted in these By-Laws, a show of hands is sufficient for voting.
Section 9 Duties of the Board:
A. To achieve the Objectives of the Association.
B. To carry out the Programs of the Association.
C. To carry out and enforce these By-Laws.
D. To recommend changes to these By-Laws. Changes to these By-Laws must be approved by a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote of the Board.
E. To conduct the business of the Association.
F. To approve and select all candidates for the positions of managers and coaches.
G. To approve all tournament managers and coaches.
H. To appoint replacements in any vacated office or Board positions.
I. To appoint program commissioners, program sub-committees and other committee chairmanships.
Section 10 At the discretion of the President, the method of voting by the Board may be made by secret ballot.
A. Absentee ballots are not permitted.
B. Proxy votes are permitted provided they are in writing to the Association Secretary prior to the vote in question.
C. Email ballots are permitted, however, they are considered public and are required to be submitted to the Association Secretary who will compile and distribute the votes for the next meeting. Printed copies of email votes must be included as part of the monthly minutes.
Section 11 Removal from the Board for cause detrimental to the Association as determined by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) majority of the Board.
Section 1 The officers of the Association shall be known as the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2 Duties of the President:
A. To preside at all General/Board meetings.
B. To call special meetings.
C. To enforce the By-Laws of the Association.
D. To supervise the duties and responsibilities of the Association officials.
E. To sign with the Treasurer or the Secretary all written contracts, obligations, and instruments of the league.
F. To oversee all disciplinary actions against program managers, coaches or others associated with the Association programs.
Section 3 Duties of the Vice President:
A. To perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. If the office of the President shall become vacant, the Vice President shall hold the office of the President until the next election.
B. To perform other duties assigned by the Board.
C. It is desired, though not required, that the Vice President, or other officer, be voted as President in the next election year.
Section 4 Duties of the Secretary
A. To conduct all official correspondence of the Association.
B. To keep minutes and records of all meetings.
C. To keep all records incident to the Association, such as membership, attendance, resignations, and correspondence.
Section 5 Duties of the Treasurer
A. Maintain the custody of the funds of the Association.
B. Keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements.
C. Render to the Board regular reports of all transactions and of the financial condition of the Association.
Section 6 The term for each officer position is limited to two (2) successive year terms.. In the event of extraneous circumstances, term limits for any officers may be extended by a three fourths (3/4) majority vote of the Board.
Section 7 Vacated officer positions. In the event an officer position is vacated in mid Program year, a new officer will be elected at the earliest possible Board meeting in accordance with Article VIII.
Section 1 Election of officers shall be held at the monthly meeting in August Officer Positions become effect during the September meetings of each Program year.
Section 2 All Board Members as described in Article V, Section 2(C) shall have the right to a single vote.
Section 3 Voting for Board Officers must comply with Article VI, Section 9.
Section 4 The Director of Tax may be nominated at the discretion of the Treasurer and would require a two thirds approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 1 Program Commissioners. Program Commissioners must be a Board member. Any Board Member desiring to be a Program Commissioner shall submit their name for consideration at any Board meeting. The Board shall elect Program Commissioners for each Program offered prior to the beginning of the Program year.
A. Program Commissioners are responsible for:
i. Scheduling all clinics and practice time.
ii. Organizing and executing the Program draft in a manner that the competition is fair and equitable for all Player Members.
iii. Scheduling all official games.
iv. Organizing and paying umpires or referees.
v. Readying the playing field for games.
vi. Resolving policy matters, amending rules, and granting exceptions through the Program Sub-Committee.
B. There are no term limits specifically related to Program Commissioners.
Section 2 Program sub-committees. Program sub-committees must be appointed by the board prior to each Program year and shall consist of the Program Commissioner plus three other board members of which at least two shall be members of the executive board.
A. Program Sub-Committees are responsible for:
i. Resolving policy matters from within the Program.
ii. Amending rules to carry out the mission of the Program and in conjunction with changing standards from other similar community Leagues.
iii. Voting on and granting exceptions to rules.
iv. To assist the Program Commissioner with executing the Program draft.
B. The Program Sub-Committee will be appointed by the board annually.
C. Exceptions to any rule may be made by unanimous vote by the Program’s Sub-Committee or by a three fourths (3/4) majority vote by the board and shall be put into writing through the minutes of the next board meeting.
Section 3 Program coaches and managers and respective assistants. Program coaches and managers and their respective assistants must apply annually for their respective position.
A. The managers are reviewed by the Program Commissioner and submitted to the board for approval.
B. Preference will be given to Adult Members who have acted responsibly in these positions in previous Program years.
C. All coaches and managers must comply with the requirements of Article X, Section 5; Coaches Clearance Policy.
D. Qualified applicants will be permitted to manage only one (1) team for each League offered.
E. The Board shall approve the application for each team manager and coach.
F. All tournament managers will apply for their position and will be approved by the Board. A vote by email is permitted in accordance with Article VI, Section 9.
Section 4 Other Appointments. The President may appoint, with a simple majority of the Board, any interested Board Member or Adult Member to any committee deemed necessary to meet the Mission Statement and Objectives of the Association.
Section 1 It is the policy of the Association to promote the safety and welfare of the children who participate in Association Programs. Consistent with that policy:
A. Every coach involved with an Association Program must obtain an Act 33 clearance and criminal background check (costs for those background checks will be paid by the Association).
B. The Association will not appoint as a coach any person who is unable to obtain an Act 33 clearance or has a felony conviction (or is currently charged with a felony).
C. Any coaching applicant with a misdemeanor conviction shall be subject to approval of the Board.
Section 2 When a coach is not available for a scheduled game, practice or other Association event, the coach may make arrangements for an assistant coach to substitute for the coach.
Section 3 Coaches shall be responsible for arranging (consistent with this policy) for an assistant coach to substitute.
Section 4 Assistant coaches shall be approved by the Board of the Association. In addition:
A. Assistant coaches must also obtain an Act 33 clearance and criminal background check (costs paid by the Association).
B. No person who is unable to obtain an Act 33 clearance may serve as an assistant coach.
C. In the sole discretion of the Association (and only after a unanimous vote of the Board), the Association may approve as an assistant coach (not a coach) a person who has a felony conviction older than ten (10) years (and is not currently charged with a felony) and who has demonstrated through conduct, references or other means that such person is not a threat to the safety and welfare of the children or the integrity of Association Programs.
Section 5 Any person interested in being a coach must complete the required clearance forms, as required by the Association in the Coaches Clearances section of the RAA website and submitted via email at the beginning of the Program season to clearances@raasports.org to be reviewed by the President. Coaches failing to do so shall not be permitted to coach during the Program season.
Section 6 Definition: For the purposes of this Article, a coach is defined as either a flag football coach, a basketball coach or a baseball/softball manager and includes all assistants.
Section 1 Registration Fees.
A. Registration fees shall be established by the Board of Directors at the beginning of each Program season.
B. Any player who has not satisfied registration commitments in full by draft night shall not be placed on a team.
C. A family with a hardship may petition the Board for abatement of registration fees, prior to the draft.
D. The approval of the hardship case will be determined by the Board.
Section 2 The draft of Player Member for each Program shall be conducted by the Program Commissioner.
Section 3 The draft shall be conducted such that each team is balanced to the maximum extent possible.
Section 4 Under no circumstances can a player be added to any roster after the draft has been completed, except by simple majority vote of the Board.
Section 1 The Board has the authority to discipline, to suspend, or expel any Adult Member, Player Member, or Board Member (collectively, the “Member”) of the Program for improper action. Improper action may consist of violation of the By-Laws, Coaches Clearance Policy or conduct, which in the opinion of the Board is prejudicial to the Association’s welfare.
Section 2 Each Member (Adult, Player or Board) shall have the right to present their case before the Board. Failure to attend such meeting shall be evidence that the decision of the Board is final.
Section 3 A vote of three fourths (3/4) majority of the Board is required to suspend or expel any member. Voting must comply with Article VI, Section 9.
Section 1 Number of tournament teams.
A. Baseball program: one team per league. A second team per league may be added with an emended rule for drafting the two teams in a fair and equitable manner consistent with the mission of the RAA and only if exception has been agreed upon and granted through the Program Sub-Committee.
B. Softball program: one team per age group.
C. Basketball program: one team per age group.
D. Flag football program: there are no tournament teams in the flag football program.
Section 2 It is the desire of the Board to enter tournament teams that will be competitive. As such, each age group will have a team only if adequate numbers of players and talent are available.
Section 3 All tournament teams are to be picked in sufficient time to provide practice time for the team prior to the beginning of the tournament season.
Section 4 Tournament baseball players will be determined by all Program coaches or managers for the respective League. Determination will be based upon the Player Member’s regular season performance as compared to their age group peers.
Section 5 The appointment of tournament head coach or manager and related assistants must occur in accordance with Article IX, Section 2(F).
Section 6 Player Eligibility.
A. No player will be eligible for a tournament team, if not registered as a Player Member.
B. Generally, it is desired by the board, in furtherance of our mission, that all tournament team members must reside in Oakmont or Verona or attend a school in the District. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by a 3/4th majority vote of the Board upon the request of the coaches of a particular Program division in a particular program year.
Section 7 Tournament team members may play on any other organized teams, but must make the Association Tournament team their first priority.
Section 8 Each Player Member will be responsible for the purchase of his or her uniform.
Section 9 The head coach or manager is responsible for collecting uniform payments and must submit payment to the Treasurer by the meeting preceding the tournament season (January or July).
Section 10 If uniform and tournament payments are not made then Player Member is ineligible to participate on the team. The Adult Member may petition the Board under the Hardship rules of Article XI, Section 1.
Section 11 The Board will determine annually the amount of funds the Association can contribute to each tournament team. Amount of funding will be dependent upon the financial position of the Association as of the close of the Program year.
Section 12 If the Association funds a tournament and the tournament team does not participate in said tournament, then the head coach or manager is responsible for full reimbursement of Association funds.
Section 1 Indemnification. Except as prohibited by law, every director and officer of the Association (an “Indemnitee”) shall be entitled as of right to be indemnified by the Association against all expenses, liability and loss (including without limitation, attorney’s fees, judgments, fines, taxes, penalties and amounts paid in settlement) paid or incurred by such person in connection with any actual or threatened claim, action, suit or proceeding, civil, criminal, administrative, investigative or other, whether brought by or in the right of the Association or otherwise, in which he or she may be involved, as a party or otherwise, by reason of such person being or having been such a director or officer (such claim, action, suit or proceeding hereinafter being referred to as an “Action”). \
Section 2 Advancement of Expenses. The Association may, if approved by a three fourths (3/4) vote of the Board, pay in advance prior to final disposition of any Action, any expenses to which an Indemnitee is entitled to receive under this section, subject to any obligation which may be imposed by law or by provision of these By-laws, an agreement or otherwise to reimburse the Association in certain events.
Section 3 Insurance. The Association shall purchase and main insurance in behalf of the Indemnitees, as permitted by law, in amounts and coverages as determined by the Board from time to time.