Revised Month XX, 20XX
The following will serve to outline rules, regulations and guidelines.
The “Official Baseball Rules,” as published by the National Baseball Congress, Inc. are recognized by the Riverview Athletic Association (RAA) as the code of rules governing the playing of all RAA Manager Pitch, Minor, and Major League baseball games, except as hereinafter modified by the respective league. Where a discrepancy or irregularity exists between an “Official Baseball Rules” rule and a similar, but modified RAA rule, the modified RAA rule shall always govern.
We will pair siblings (brothers/sisters) on the same team when league appropriate and when players are in their appropriate age group. In T-Ball we accommodate all player pairing requests including friends, cousins, etc. In teams that are drafted (Jr. Softball, Manager Pitch, Minors and Majors), head coaches are allowed to identify one assistant coach. Head coach and assistant coach's children are slotted in the appropriate draft round as agreed upon by the other head coaches at the draft. The Sibling Rule for same team play extends to actual siblings only, not cousins, second cousins, neighbors or friends. Cousins, neighbors and friends must be drafted like all other players.
Player draft is to be attended by the head coach of each team for the following leagues: Jr. Softball, Manager Pitch, Minors, and Majors. If the head coach is not available, the named assistant may draft the team. If neither the head coach nor the assistant coach are available, the league commissioner running the draft will draft the team. A player list will be provided prior to the draft. First order of business at the draft is the ranking of the players. This is done by draft round number with notation given about pitchers in kid-pitch leagues through coach knowledge and player assessment scores from the end of the previous season. This starts with the head coach and the named assistant coach’s children and then the rest of the participants. The rankings must be agreed upon by all coaches in attendance. Following player rankings, coaches select numbers from a hat to determine the draft order. The order will be applied as follows: 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-4-5 and so on. It helps for coaches to adjust their seating around the table to reflect their draft order. Coaches are to contact their teams within 48 hours.
RAA Pony League teams shall be governed by the “PONY Baseball, Inc. Rules and Regulations” except as hereinafter modified.
- Only equipment reviewed and approved by the RAA Equipment Manager for use in a particular league may be used in that league.
- Metal-cleat baseball shoes are specifically prohibited from use in all RAA Baseball in-house Leagues.
- The batter, players in the on-deck batting circle and all base-runners shall be required to wear, at all times, RAA-approved protective headgear which gives protection to the top of the head, temples, ears and the base of the skull.
- Catchers are encouraged to wear a protective cup. A cup-type athletic supporter or compression shorts with cup pocket is strongly recommended. Additionally, all catchers are required to wear a mask with throat guard, chest protector, shin guards and protective headgear which give protection to the top of the head when catching behind the plate. Any player serving as catcher to warm up a pitcher shall wear a mask.
- No jewelry of any type shall be worn by any player, except for medical identification purposes.
- It is strongly encouraged that batting helmets for T-Ball, Manager Pitch, and Minor League have a faceguard.
- Only bats with the USA Baseball stamp and/or Little League approved bats are allowed. Composite bats must be on the approved bat list provided by Little League international. If illegal equipment is discovered and/or being used, it will be removed from play.
- A conventional baseball uniform is required for league play. RAA issues a shirt and hat. Baseball pants are required and are to be purchased directly by the player matching those required by the RAA in appearance.
- PONY LEAGUE: All Pony League players are required to wear RAA-approved/issued socks. No other type of sock will be permitted to be worn by Pony League players for RAA league play without the prior approval for the RAA Equipment Manager.
- Any player arriving to the field in less than ‘full uniform dress,’ as described above, shall not be permitted to participate in the game until fully uniformed.
- No game will be permitted to be canceled or rescheduled without first contacting, and receiving the approval of, the RAA Baseball Commissioner or, in his/her absence, the RAA President. The Baseball Commissioner and/or the President are the only recognized league officials who are authorized to cancel a game due to weather conditions or other circumstances prior to game time. In their absence, a decision shall be made by the RAA Vice President or (in descending order), the RAA Equipment Manager, or that League’s Chairman.
- If it is determined prior to game time that a game will be canceled, both team managers will be notified by the league officials.
- If it is not determined prior to game time that a game will be canceled:
- Both team managers, all assistant coaches and players should report to the field and assume that they will play the game.
- Thereafter, any pre-game decision to cancel the game will be made at the field by the umpire, who will then contact the Director of Baseball or, if unavailable, the President. In the case of a league that utilizes the coaches as umpires (i.e. Manager Pitch), the managers of the respective teams will be responsible for cancelling games, if appropriate. The home team manager is responsible for notifying league commissioners.
- Once a game begins, the umpire shall have full control of the game, and is recognized by the RAA as the authorized league official responsible for the later determination, due to weather conditions, to stop play of the game, to resume play of the game, or to postpone the game. In the case of a league that utilizes coaches as umpires (i.e. Manager Pitch), the managers of the teams will agree to stop the game as necessary. The home team manager is responsible for notifying league commissioners.
- Lightning: NO PLAY SHALL OCCUR WITH LIGHTNING PRESENT. At the first sign of lightning, the Umpire shall immediately suspend play of the game, and direct both team managers and all assistant coaches and players to move to appropriate cover (ideally, cars), and no waiting under trees, on team benches, under bleachers, etc., will be permitted.
- No field activity shall resume for fifteen (15) minutes following the last lightning strike.
- In the event of lightning, Riverside Park has a lightning detector. If the light activates, the teams have to clear the field until the all clear horn sounds off with 3 loud blasts and the light stops blinking.
- Rescheduling of postponed or canceled games will be done at the earliest possible (and available) date, as determined by the Baseball Commissioner and the Director of Scheduling.
- Home Team: The home team will have possession of the field from 45 minutes on weeknights prior to game time until 15 minutes prior to game time. During this time, the home team will also set the bases and completely line the field. The home team shall not prepare the field during the visiting team’s field time. First or third base benches are selected on a first come basis. Following completion of the game, the home team will be responsible for the removal and storage of all bases.
- Visiting Team: The visiting team will have possession of the field from 15 minutes prior to game time until just prior to game time. At this time, the home team will take the field and, following the Umpire’s home plate conference with both Team Managers, the game will start promptly.
- CLEANING UP: Both teams are responsible for removing all trash left on the field, under the bleachers, etc., and depositing it into all borough-supplied trash containers.
- Regulation games shall be six (6) complete innings in duration. When a game is tied at the end of regulation length, it shall continue in to extra innings until a decision is reached, or the game is called by the Umpire.
- No inning shall begin after 8:30 p.m. in games played without lights, or if, in the Umpire’s opinion, it becomes too dark to safely continue the game. For games played with lights, no inning shall begin after 9:30 p.m.
- Complete Game: If a game is called for any reason before it is a complete game, it shall be a complete game only if four (4) complete innings have been played, or 3½ if the losing team has batted in the 4th.
- Incomplete Game: If a game is called for any reason before it is a complete game, as described in Section C above, it shall be considered a “no game” and be re-played from the beginning at a later date. All statistics/records from an incomplete game shall be voided, except that innings pitched by all pitchers will still be counted, for purposes of determining their next eligibility to pitch.
- Suspended Game: If a game is called for any reason in an uncompleted inning, after having reached complete-game length as described above, and the visiting team ties the score or takes the lead in the uncompleted inning, and the home team does not tie the score or retake the lead or finish batting in its portion of the uncompleted inning, the game shall be considered a “suspended game” and shall be continued from the point of curtailment at a later date and time as determined by league officials.
- Base runners must avoid collisions by sliding or stepping around any fielder attempting to make a play at any base. If any contact is made, and, in the Umpire’s opinion, such contact is other than incidental, the base runner will be called out. Further, if, in the Umpire’s opinion, such contact was made intentionally, the player responsible for such contact will be ejected from the game.
- While not in possession of the ball, all fielders must provide all base runners with clear access to all bases. If a fielder blocks or otherwise impedes a base runner from advancing while not in possession of the ball, the runner will be awarded the base they are going to.
- Two Base Rule: A fair-batted ball bouncing into an ‘out-of-play’ area is a ground rule double. The batter and all runners can advance two bases. The advancement of all runners shall be governed by their position(s) at the time the ball was pitched.
- Overthrows: If an overthrown ball remains in an ‘in-play’ area, the ball remains ‘live,’ and all runners can advance all the bases they can get. If an overthrown ball goes in to an ‘out-of-play’ area, the batter and all runners are entitled to the base they are going to plus an additional base. In awarding such bases, the Umpire shall be governed by the position of the runner(s) at the time the fielder making the wild throw released the ball.
- Any player in the starting lineup who has been removed for a substitute may re-enter the game.
- All leagues have continuous batting order.
- Once a pitcher is removed, he is not permitted to pitch again in the same game.
- A protest based on a play which involves an Umpire’s judgment shall not be permitted.
- When protests are based on an interpretation of the rules, the objecting Manager shall, at the time the play occurs, notify the Head Umpire and the opposing Manager that the game is being played under protest, and submit the protest in writing to the RAA Baseball Commissioner or RAA Secretary, within forty-eight (48) hours of the completion of the game.
- The Head Umpire shall make a public announcement to the crowd when a game is being played under protest.
- The RAA Baseball Commissioner will rule on all protests.
- When protests based on the interpretation of a rule are upheld by the RAA Baseball Commissioner, the game concerned shall be replayed from the point of protest.
- Any team Manager or other adult leader who withdraws a team from the playing field under any circumstances prior to the official completion of the game shall forfeit all rights to protests as prescribed in this section.
The use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs in any form by players, manager, assistant coaches or any other adult leaders on the benches or on the playing field shall not be permitted.
- The bench is for the players, managers, assistant coaches and scorekeepers. No other persons are permitted on the bench during the game. Players are not allowed off of the bench without the Manager’s permission.
- Parents are not permitted to contact the coach during the game unless there is a medical emergency. Questions about playing time and positions are never to be discussed during a game and will be grounds for suspension/ejection from the park of parent/player.
First Infraction: One game suspension.
Second Infraction: Two game suspension.
- Third Infraction: League expulsion for the season.Only one (1) player at a time is permitted in the batter’s circle.
- No one shall be permitted to stand or lean against the back or sides of the backstop.
- Food is not permitted on the bench, unless the player has a medical necessity.
- Forfeits: A team failing to field at least seven (7) uniformed players within 15 minutes after the scheduled starting time of a game, or at any time during the game, shall forfeit the game.
- Shoes: Penalty for use of illegal shoes shall be removal of the shoes from the game and, if no other legal footwear is available, removal of the affected player(s) from the line-up.
- Players who do not wear complete conventional uniforms, protective headgear and catching equipment as required by these rules shall be removed from the line-up.
- Players who intentionally, in the judgment of the Umpire, throw bats or protective headgear, or discard protective headgear while batting or running the bases, shall be ejected from the game following completion of any play in progress at the time the violation occurs. Such action does not constitute an out, and such players shall be replaced as batters or base runners if appropriate.
- Player’s Unexcused Absence From Game: A player’s failure to notify his manager in advance of his absence from a scheduled game can result in that player’s suspension from play in the next regularly-scheduled game. Managers must personally notify the opposing team’s Manager of his/her intentions concerning such suspended player(s) prior to the start of the game.
- An Umpire’s judgment call shall never be disputed for any reason. It is the responsibility of each Manager to control his players, coaches and fans.
- If a Manager has a question concerning a rule, the Manager(s) can request a conference with the Umpire. This will be a QUIET conference with only the Managers – coaches and players are not permitted to participate.
- Players, Managers, Assistant Coaches, Adult Volunteers or Parents who engage in unsportsmanlike conduct, such as fighting, use of abusive or profane language, or similarly derogatory activity, will be immediately ejected from the game and suspended from future games according to the following:
First Infraction: One game suspension.
Second Infraction: Two game suspension.
Third Infraction: League expulsion for the season.
A request for time out is permitted by a player, with the ball in the infield when play has come to a complete stop.
Two Teams
A. Won/Loss Record
B. Head to Head Competition
C. Run Differential Head to Head
D. One Game Playoff
E. Coin Flip
3 or More Teams
A. Won/Loss Record
B. Won/Loss Record Among Tied Teams
C. Run Differential Among Tied Teams
D. One Game Playoff
E. Coin Flip
- All games are played at Riverside Park unless otherwise scheduled.
- In the event that the High School team is still playing at 6PM start time, the T-ball game will start at the completion of the high school game.
- In the event of lightning, Riverside Park has a lightning detector. If the light activates, the teams have to clear the field until the all clear horn sounds off with 3 loud blasts and the light stops blinking.
- Bases should be set at 40'.
- Each game is to be 3 full innings. Every player on the team will bat in consecutive order, with three outs marking the end of any half inning, following usual baseball rules. All players on the defensive team will play in the field at once in each inning.
- There will be no keeping of score. Outs will be recorded to encourage players to learn situational play; if three outs are recorded and players still need to bat in any half inning, the out count shall be reset to zero, with baserunners staying in place.
- When batting, all players should sit up either baseline and at least ten feet from the baseline in the batting order they wish to use. It is suggested that the manager change the order each game or inning so each player gets to bat first during the season.
- The RAA mandates that the batter and base runners wear helmets. Four (4) will be provided in the shed, or they can bring their own if they choose.
- Only T-ball bats and soft compression balls are to be used and will be provided; players can bring their own bats if they choose.
- Only one (1) player, the batter, with a bat at a time.
- Tees and bases will be provided and will be in the shed.
(Official Ball – Wilson Little League LL1074)
- Bases will be sixty feet (60’) apart.
- Forty feet (40’) marks the center of the ten foot (10’) pitcher’s position circle. The infielder playing the pitcher position must have at least one foot inside the pitching circle until the ball is hit. The coach who is pitching may move out of the pitching circle, if necessary and within reason, to throw hittable pitches to the batter.
- The Manager who is pitching is the only coach permitted on the infield. Defensive coaching is permitted in the outfield.
- Base runners must remain on base until the ball is hit. Base stealing is not permitted.
- Every player on the team will bat in consecutive order, even if not all of them play the field at once.
- Defenders must play the standard baseball positions, with the exception of the outfield where four defenders may play at once. Each player must play an equal number of innings in the field defensively unless the manager has an uneven number of players and cannot do so. In that event, the manager may play some players one inning defensively more than the other players. In addition, each player may play a maximum of three (3) innings at one position per game, and must play at least one (1) inning in the infield. Coaches are encouraged to give each player as much varied and appropriate experience as possible. For all fielding assignments, player safety should be the primary factor, and supersedes all rules listed here.
- Teams can field ten (10) players, which includes four (4) outfielders. Play can start with seven (7) players. Teams will use a catcher, unless there are 7 or 8 players, then teams can choose where to have a vacant spot on the field. Outfielders must be at least 15 feet behind the infielders. No rover will be permitted. An outfielder is not allowed to make a putout at a base; rather, the outfielder must throw the ball to an infielder who then attempts to make the putout.
- Each Manager/Coach can determine how fast or slow they will pitch to each of their players; pitches can be thrown from a kneeling position, if necessary. The only restriction is that all pitches must be thrown overhand.
- Pitch Limit per Batter: Each batter will receive a maximum of three (3) strikes or seven (7) pitches, whichever occurs first, with the following exception: a batter will not be called out if he continues to hit foul balls, even after the maximum of seven (7) pitches.
- There will be no walks or hit batsman. It is the Manager’s/Coach’s responsibility to ensure that the pitches are hittable. If the Manager throws the seventh pitch and the batter does not make contact with the ball by his effort, or lack thereof, the batter is out.
- Manager/Pitcher as Umpire: The pitcher will be treated as an Umpire on the field, with assistance from other coaches on the field if the pitcher asks for help with a call. The pitcher must make every attempt not to interfere with the play. If a ball hits the Manager/Pitcher, the ball is fair and in play. If the pitcher happens to field a ball in self-defense, he must drop it immediately.
- Run Rule: In innings 1 through 5, the inning will be over once a team has scored five (5) or more runs in that inning; all runs scored on the play resulting in the fifth run will be counted. In the 6th and extra innings, the inning will be over once three outs are recorded (no run limit).
- Play will stop when there is “infield control” of the ball. Infield control of the ball is defined as an infield position player having the ball in his hand or glove while inside the base paths. A line will be marked with the liner, ½ of the distance between bases on each base path. If a player has not reached the half-way point when the play has stopped, he must return to the base he is coming from. If the runner is beyond the half-way point when the play has stopped, he may advance, but has to earn the base.
- The ball is dead and play is stopped on overthrows into foul territory (i.e., on plays at 1B, 3B and home plate). On an overthrow that remains in an “in-play area” (e.g., SS throws it to center field), the runners may advance one base (but need to earn it).
- Mercy Rule: At any point in the 4th or later innings, when a team is up by 15 runs and the home team is winning or has had their at bat, the game will be over.
- Intentional bunting is prohibited.