Revised Month XX, 20XX
The following will serve to outline rules, regulations and guidelines.
- All games are played at Riverside Park in front of Concession Stand Bleachers.
- In the event that the High School team is still playing at 6PM start time, the t-ball game will start at the completion of the high school game.
- In the event of lightning Riverside Park has a lightning detector, if the light goes off the teams have to clear the field until the all clear horn sounds off with 3 loud blasts and the light stops blinking.
- Bases should he set at 40'
- 3 inning games with each player batting once each inning, then the teams switch.
- No keeping of score or recording of outs.
- When batting all players should sit up either baseline and at least ten feet from the baseline in the batting order thet wish to use. II is suggested that the manager change the order each game or inning so each player gets to bat first during the season.
- The RAA recommends that the batter and base runners wear helmets, four (4) will be provided in the shed, they can bring their own if they choose, or they may go without one.
- Only T ball bats and soft compression balls are to be used and will be provided.
- Only one (1) player, the batter with a bat at a time.
- 11 Tees and bases will be provided and will be in the shed.
PURPOSE: To foster, to the youth involved with the sport, the ideals of good sportsmanship by providing supervised softball games. It is the responsibility of ALL ADULTS to bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional skill or the winning of games is secondary to
providing an enjoyable athletic experience for our girls.
- Only those players officially registered and have paid necessary fees shall be considered eligible to play.
- For the health and promotion of recreational league play, individual player and/or coach activity must be controlled and limited to encouragement, cheering, and good sportsmanship. There will be zero tolerance for negative comments made by coaches, players, or parents. Such actions can result in ejection and subsequent suspension upon review by the Softball Commissioner and the R.A.A. Board of Directors.
- Only team members, coaches, managers, and official scorekeepers for the team are permitted on the team bench and in the playing area.
- Decision of the umpire is final. Umpires may eject players, coaches, and managers from games for unsportsmanlike conduct, foul language, continuous arguing and/or harassment of the umpire.
- Cancellation of games will not be accepted except for a legitimate function. If teams know in advance that they will be missing players for a game, additional players may be called from another R.A.A. Junior Team’s roster (but cannot pitch). This method should be attempted before canceling a game. Coaches must start rostered players first and then fill in any vacant positions with called up players. If a team has called up players and then by game time they have enough players from their own team, the called up players may only play two (2) innings in the field but will remain in the batting order for the entire game.
- A team must have seven (7) or more players to start or continue a game. If a team shows up with less than seven (7) players the team will forfeit. If both teams show up with less than seven (7) players both teams will be given a forfeit. To avoid forfeits, teams should follow procedures outlined in above Rule 6. The batting order must have least nine positions. If there are no batters in the eighth or ninth positions then an out will be declared for that time at bat (but can be overridden if both coaches agree in advance). If a player shows up after the game begins they should be placed at the end of the batting order. If the manager keeps the missing player in the lineup and they have not yet arrived by their time at bat it will be an out.
- All books must be signed by an umpire at the end of a game.
- BLOOD RULE – A player, coach, or umpire who is bleeding shall prohibited from participating further in the game until appropriate treatment can be administered.
- Official uniforms include: Shirts, grey pants, and visors. Full uniforms must worn during all league games. Appropriate shoes must be worn. Rubber cleats are recommended. Metal spikes are not allowed.
- All catchers must wear helmet, mask, chest protector, and shin guards. Any player warming up a pitcher must wear a mask!
- No jewelry may be worn.
- No bandages may be worn for piercings anywhere. Piercings must be removed.
- Players are to show up within 15 minutes of scheduled game time.
- A regulation game will be six (6) innings. A regulation game can be called by the umpire after four (4) innings because of rain, time, etc. If the losing team has batted in the fourth inning, a regulation game can be called.
- An inning will not be started after two (2) hours have elapsed from the start of the game. No regular season game shall exceed eight (8) innings. In the event that a game has reached two hours and/or eight (8) innings and a winner has not been decided, the game shall be declared a tie. No inning or half inning may begin after 8:30 pm. If an official game has proceeded past 8:30, the umpire shall end the game as soon as the half inning has been completed.
- Runs per inning shall be limited to five (5) runs per inning for innings one (1) through five (5), or the completion of play on which the fifth run is scored (maximum 8 runs). A team can score unlimited runs in the 6th inning or thereafter.
- A ten run rule will be in effect after four (4) innings. Should the teams decide to continue to play after that time, the team ahead by ten is declared the winner and the final score will not be altered.
- Bases will be 60’ apart.
- All ground rules will be clearly defined and agreed upon by umpires and managers prior to the start of each game.
- Pitching distance is 35’ in the Junior division. Pitching in this division is to be modified in height of the pitch. No arch pitches are desired, and any pitches exceeding 6’ at any point are to be called balls provided the batter does not swing. Speed of pitch will be deemed appropriate upon agreement by coaches and umpire.
- The pitcher shall hold the ball in her throwing hand and inside her glove before she begins the delivery
- 3 The pitcher shall not pause for more than one (1) second during her delivery.
- Both feet must remain in contact with the pitching line at all times prior to her forward step.
- The foot must maintain contact with the ground at all times. (Drag)
- The pitcher MAY NOT step backwards as part of her pitching motion.
- The pitcher MAY NOT use the windmill style pitching motion.
- At the beginning of each inning the pitcher shall have five (5) warm-up pitches.
- When a new pitcher is entered in the middle of an inning, she shall receive no more than five (5) warm-up pitches.
*End of Pitching Rules
- Play will be stopped when the ball is in control and in the infield.
- Bunting will not be permitted in this league.
- All girls from a team’s original roster must play at least three (3) innings in the field.
- The runner is out if she does not make an attempt to slide or go around a fielder who is in position to receive a throw. Contact must be avoided. (One game suspension if injury occurs).
- Overthrow into outfield area or past third base will result in two bases awarded. Ex: Runner gets the base they are going to and the next base. There is no penalty for throwing the ball into the deadball area past first base.
- No equipment may be thrown. The throwing of the equipment will result in ejection from the game by the umpire. Warning will be given prior to the start of each game.
- Throwing of the bat will not be permitted. The umpire will issue a warning after the first such occurrence. Outs are to be recorded thereafter.
- Continuous batting order will be used. If a girl becomes injured during the game and does not play the rest of the game, no out will be recorded in her spot in the batting order. However, she cannot reenter the game unless an out was taken in her spot in the batting order. If a girl leaves a game early for another commitment, no out will be taken. However, any girl on the premises and uninjured must bat or an out will be recorded.
- The Softball Commissioner, the R.A.A. Director of Baseball, and the Umpire-in-Chief are the only people who may cancel a game due to the elements before game time. Managers may not cancel any games. If you are not notified prior to game time, you and your team should assume that you will play.
- In order to protest a game, a complaint must be filed in writing with the Softball Commissioner no later than 72 hours after completion of the game occurred. The Softball Commissioner and the Director of Baseball will rule on the protest, inform the involved parties of the decision, and inform the R.A.A. Board of the matter. If the Softball Commissioner or Director of Baseball is directly involved in the protest, other Board members will be appointed to render a decision.
Eastern Girls FASTPITCH Softball League shall follow ASA Softball FASTPITCH rules. In addition to the ASA Rules, EASTERN has adopted the following rules for safety, accommodation and efficiency purposes. Also refer to the 10U rules for specific additions or modifications applying only to that age group.
PURPOSE: to foster, to the youth involved with the sport, the ideals of good sportsmanship by providing supervised, FASTPITCH softball games. “It is the responsibility of ALL ADULTS to bear in mind, that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary to that of molding future citizens”. The other team, coaches, players, fans, etc. ARE NOT THE ENEMY!
- Only those players officially registered and have paid all necessary fees shall be considered eligible to play in this league. (See. by-laws Sec. 1 for age requirement). Team rosters must be submitted before play starts in the spring. Failure to submit a completed roster prior to beginning of play will result in forfeit loss for all games prior to submission of roster. Any team that does not submit a roster is ineligible for playoffs and subject to loss of league membership.
- No All Star or Recruited Teams. No Double Rostering. Players must have played in 50% of the regular season games to be eligible to play in the playoffs (including call-ups).
- For the health and promotion of recreation league play, individual player and/or coach activity and team activity must be controlled and limited to encouragement, cheering, and good sportsmanship. BE SUPPORTIVE! THE UMPIRES SHALL CONTROL SPECTATOR ACTIVITY.
- Only team members, coaches, managers, and official scorekeepers for the team are permitted on the team bench and in the playing area. There is to be NO use of tobacco products on any team bench in any community.
- Decision of the umpire is final. Umpires may eject players, coaches, and managers from the game for unsportmanlike conduct, foul language, continuous arguing and/or harassment of the umpire. Coaches must conduct themselves in a civil manner at ALL times. Violation of this rule may result in game forfeiture and/or disciplinary action. Any manager, coach and/or ejected player from a game will be suspended from the next game played. The ejected person/persons may also be subject to disciplinary actions by the Eastern Executive Committee.
- Weekday league games will begin at 6:15 PM, unless agreed otherwise. The visiting team will have the field for practice 15 minutes prior to the start of the game or at the discretion of the umpire. The home team shall have access to the field prior to the visiting team.
- Cancellation of games will not be accepted except for a legitimate school function. If teams know in advance that they will be missing players for a game, additional players may be called up (from any willing community) from a lower age group. This method should be attempted before canceling a game. No girl may be called from another fast pitch league. Girls may be called from an age appropriate (same age) slow pitch team.
- All score books must include shirt number and starting position. All books must be signed by an umpire at the end of the game.
- BLOOD RULE - A player, coach, or umpire who is bleeding or who has blood on their uniform shall be prohibited from participating further in the game until appropriate treatment can be administered. If medical care or treatment is administered in a reasonable length of time, the individual will not have to leave the game.
- Official uniforms include: pants or shorts, shirt (with number) tucked in, hats or visors, stirrup socks, and knee pad (if shorts are worn). Full uniform must be worn during all league games. Appropriate shoes must be worn. Rubber cleats are recommended. Metal spikes are not allowed.
- Helmet, mask with throat protector, chest protector, and shin guards must be worn by all catchers. Any players warming up a pitcher must wear a mask!
- The batter, on-deck batter, bat person, and any player who might fill-in as a base coach must wear batting helmets. Chin straps and face masks are mandatory on all batting helmets, and mouth guards are highly recommended.
- No jewelry may be worn.
- FOR PITCHERS ONLY- Any covering or bandage may be worn due to injury. Covering must be flesh tone. Pitchers may have only neutral tones of nail polish, undershirt, or sweatshirt while playing the position.
- 1 Number of Players
- 10 & under, 12 & Under and 15 & Under teams field 10 players. 18 & Under field 9 players. All players must show up within 15 minutes of scheduled game time or the team will forfeit. If a team knows in advance that they will be unable to field a team, additional players maybe called up from a lower age group. If short of players, 10 & under, 12 & Under and 15 & Under teams may play with 9 without penalty. All age groups may play with 8, however must take an out in the 9th position of the batting order. A late arriving player that is to be inserted into the game by her coach should be added to the bottom of the batting order. Clarification - Coaches may call players up from a lower age division with the following rules: Coaches may only call up additional players if they know in advance that they will be unable to field a team. Coaches must start rostered players first and then fill any vacant positions with called up players. The called up player may wear their original team uniform or may wear an extra provided by the team they are playing for. Coaches may not call up players from a team who has a regular scheduled game on the same day and time. No player may be called up from another fast pitch league.
- In the 12U and the 15U division, a call-up on the roster will be limited to 2 innings of play unless you are truly shorthanded, and limited to 2 innings in the pitching position, regardless. In the 18U division, a call-up can pitch the entire game.
- Call-ups for play-off games are limited to players from the community, referencing also Rule A.2. The opposing coach is not permitted to allow call-up players unless specifically within these guidelines. Any special circumstances would require review and approval of the Executive Committee, or Age Group Commissioner (acting on their behalf).
- A regulation game will be 7 innings. A regulation game can be called, by the umpire after 5 or more complete innings because of rain, darkness etc.
- Runs per inning shall be limited to (5) 10 & Under 12 & Under and 15 & Under PERIOD! There will be no limit on runs in the 7th inning.
- A twelve run rule will be in effect after 5 innings.
- The umpire shall notify each coach/manger at the top of the inning that it is the last inning.
- Teams will be comprised of up to 15 players. Girls may only be rostered for one team regardless of age category. *Teams with 15 or more players will be allowed to play with the Executive Board approval.
- 10 & under, 12 & Under and 15 & Under - all girls rostered must play at least 2 innings in the field and bat at least one time in each regulation game.
- DP- DESIGNATED PLAYER RULE - A designated player may be used provided they are clearly indicated as such prior to the start of the game. A designated player may enter the game only if the person for which they were designated for leaves the game.
- COURTESY RUNNER - a courtesy runner may be used for the pitcher or catcher at any time during the game. A courtesy runner is mandatory for the catcher with 2 outs. Other position players may use a pinch runner only once and must notify the umpire and other manager/coach of their entrance/exit from play. A pinch runner may enter the game defensively only in the position of the player for whom they ran.
- BUNTING - will be permitted in this league. The third strike foul out will be in effect. Ex. If the player making an attempt of bunt and the ball goes foul, the batter is out.
- ASA Rule for sliding is in effect.
- Overthrow into dead ball area (determined by the umpire) will result in 2 bases awarded. Ex. Runner gets the base they are going toward and the next base.
- NO EQUIPMENT MAY BE THROWN. The throwing of equipment will result in ejection from the game by the umpire. Warning will be given prior to the start of each game.
- Continuous Batting Order will be used in the 10, 12 and 15&under age groups. If a girl becomes injured during the game and does not play the rest of the game – no out will be recorded in her spot in the batting order– however, she cannot reenter the game unless an out was taken in her spot in the batting order. If the girl leaves a game for any other reason than injury, when it is her turn to bat, an out will be taken (unless her departure was discussed and agreed by opposing coaches prior to the game’s start). Continuous batting order allows for free substitution - exception is a pitcher that is removed from the defensive lineup can only return to the pitching position once.
- The pitcher shall hold the ball in her throwing hand AND inside her glove before she begins the delivery.
- The pitchers shall not pause for more than 1 second during her delivery. Both feet must remain in contact with the pitching rubber at all times prior to her FORWARD STEP.
- The pivot foot must maintain contact with the ground at all times. (*DRAG)
- The pitcher MAY NOT step backwards as part of her pitching motion.
- 10 & under, 12 & Under and 15 & Under pitchers may pitch no more that 5 innings per game. One pitch constitutes an inning pitched.
- At the beginning of each inning the pitcher shall have 5 warm-up pitches.
- When a new pitcher is entered in the middle of an inning she shall receive no more that 7 warm-up pitches.
- On a dropped third strike, the batter may try to advance to first base, if there are less than 2 outs and 1st base is UNOCCUPIED, or there are 2 outs. No dropped third strike rule applies for the 10 & under age group.
- Once the pitcher is removed from the lineup; she may reenter back into the pitching position only once. 10&u. 12&u, 15&u – The pitcher will report to the umpire when entering and re-entering the game.
- Home teams are responsible for lining and dragging the playing field. Bases must be secured. *For safety purposes it is the strong recommendation of League Official that “pop up” bases are utilized. Measurements of field:
- 10 & Under 35 foot pitching distance
- 12&U,15&U,18&U 40 foot pitching distance
- 16 foot circle around mound (8 ft. radius)
- Bases: 60 feet distance apart w/Running Lane for 1st Base
- Batters box shall measure 3 feet by 7 feet, inside line shall be 6 inches from home plate. The front line shall be 4 feet to the front and the rear line shall be 3 feet to the back of the obtuse corner of home plate.
- The use of a Double First Base is mandatory.
- All ground rules should be clearly defined and agreed upon (by umpires and coaches/managers) prior to the start of each game.
- Official softball required for EASTERN FASTPITCH SOFTBALL will be a 12” (11” for 10U) optic-yellow, raised red stitch softball. Cork center is recommended but if poly-core center ball is used the maximum compression of such ball will not exceed 375 PSI. The ball must be stamped ASA 47COR.