Riverview Athletic Association Fastpitch Softball


8U, 10U, and 12U Coach’s Handbook & Curriculum

Mission: RAA rec softball is intended to be a competitive experience with the opportunity to have fun and learn softball fundamentals. We encourage all girls to play no matter their skill level or experience.


It is the intent of RAA to focus on skill development, teamwork, sportsmanship, and respect for teammates, opponents and coaches. Recognizing that individuals will have different skills and needs, a positive environment should be created to foster contribution, accomplishment, and confidence in all players. Not all players will be given the opportunity to play at her favorite position but player development for ALL is essential. Positional rotation at younger levels, 8U, should be prioritized. 

Coaching Expectations

The goal is to identify a Head Coach and at least one assistant for every team at every age level.

The Head Coach is expected to: 

  • Complete necessary background checks (See association website for links) 
  • Identify development opportunities outside of games (Clinics, Tournaments, Scrimmages, etc.)
  • Organize a minimum of two practices per week prior to league play 
  • Organize a minimum of one practice per week during league play 
  • Create robust, interactive, competitive and instructional practice plans

Practice and League Play should be used for reps and to gain experience.

  • 8U should still be rotating players at all positions but ensure players are in a place where they and the team can succeed 
  • 10U should still provide opportunities to play multiple positions, but players should start to learn nuances of 2-3 positions that align with the player's specific interest and/or skill set
  • 12U playing time and positional rotation will be largely based on skill and what would result in maximum team competitiveness

Although time at each position may not always be equal, overall playing time should be approximately equal at 8U and 10U levels

Practice Plans

Practices should be no longer than 90 minutes; 75 is ideal 

  • Younger players have shorter attention span 

Every practice should have some dedicated focus on:

  • Fundamentals - Physical 
  • Fundamentals - Game knowledge 
  • Fun 
  • Competition (Every practice should include some competitive element
  • Players should get practice reps at all positions 

Limit downtime in practice

  • Small group activities/drills should be utilized whenever possible

Infield Coaching & Fundamentals


  • During the pitch, all infielders should take two steps toward home plate 
    • For a right handed player step with right foot then left foot 
    • Encourage the players to say “One-Two” 
    • If all infielders to do this on every pitch, you know they are engaged 

Knees bent, butt down, glove out front 

  • All fielders should be at or ahead of the baselines 
  • Close enough be able to make a throw to first 


  • Point glove elbow at target 
  • Throwing elbow at or above shoulder height 

Force Outs: 

  • All 10U players should understand the concept of force outs and apply when possible in games 
  • 90% of outs on balls put in play at 8U will occur at first base, should still teach force out concept 

Infield Drills

All applicable reps should start with “One-Two” 

No glove drills (Teaching use to two hands and proper fundamentals) 

  • Start with no throws 
    • Slow hand thrown ground balls 
    • Butt down, knees bent 
    • Glove hand on bottom, throwing hand on top 
    • Receive ball up to chest
    • Progress to throwing 

Repeat the above with gloves on 

  • Keep on fundamentals, eliminate bad habits 

Repeat the above with batted balls 


Outfield Coaching & Fundamentals

At this level outfield may not be viewed as a desirable position.

  • It needs to be coached and developed with similar priority to infield. 
  • The more competitive the environment the more important outfield becomes.

 8U should:

  • Play at edge of grass and dirt 
  • Right field should back up plays at first 
  • Learn to throw ball to infield as soon as they field it (Runners may not advance at that point) 

10U should:

  • Understand cut off situations 
  • Quickly get the ball to the infield and to the pitcher into the pitching circle (Never from outfield directly to pitcher) 
  • Be able to make routine plays 
  • Upper level 10U/12U teams will require higher end athletes in the outfield 

Remember to:

  • Call the ball 
  • Two hands
  • Be moving on every pitch; similar one-two as infield

Outfield Drills

Four Cone Drill 

  • Cones in the shape of a diamond 
  • Player starts in the middle of the diamond 
  • First ball is thrown to cone 1, player must run in 
  • Second ball is thrown to cone 2, the player must run to the right 
  • Etc. 

Relay Drill 

  • Split team in half and form two lines ~15-30 feet apart 
  • One ball for each line 
  • Relay race; throw down the line and back 
  • Keys Fundamentals 
    • Turn the correct way on the catch (turn in direction of glove side) 
    • Two hands 
    • Throw should be to glove side o If ball is dropped, it goes back to the thrower; must be successfully thrown and caught in order to proceed 

Diving/Running Catch Drills 

  • Make outfield FUN! 
  • Practice running/diving and Sport Center plays

Hitting Fundamentals

Good hitters are aggressive and are prepared to hit every pitch. 

  • Batters should stride to every pitch with the intention of hitting the ball.
  • The adjustment to hold up on the swing should be made at the last moment. 

Approach to a pitch is “yes, yes, yes, no OR yes, yes, yes, yes” 

  • Yes to raise bat near ear 
  • Yes to Load 
  • Yes to Stride 
  • Then Yes or No to Swing 

If the batter does not prepare to swing at every pitch, she will not be able to pull the trigger when she really wants to swing. 

  • Lets teach ALL our players to be aggressive, better at a young age to go down swinging then having the bat on the shoulder the whole season.

Things to watch: 

  • Bailing – front foot stepping away from the plate during the pitch 
  • Wrapping the bat – will typically happen with your aggressive hitters 
  • Expecting bad pitches and not being prepared to hit (applicable at 10U and 12U) 

Hitting Drills

Lots of Tee work  

  • Need to make sure proper fundamentals are followed, easy to “cheat” off of a tee
  • Advanced players at 10U and 12U can practice 
    • Hitting inside pitch out front and pulling 
    •  Hitting down the middle pitch just in front of the plate back up the middle 
    •  Hitting outside pitch at back of plate the other way 

Practice off of the machine a lot 

  • The machine is tricky to get used to for coaches as well! Be consistent with lace placement 

Hit Stick 

  • Good way to develop aggressive swings and build confidence 

Soft Toss 

  • Reps, reps and more reps o Always a focus on fundamentals 

10U and 12U “One Pitch” game 

  • Teach aggressive approach – have team pitcher throwing live. Batter only gets one pitch and they must hit it or they are out. Last lady standing wins! 

Base Running Coaching and Fundamentals

8U – Key elements for Coaches and Players 

  • What to do with zero or one out 
  • Run on two outs 
  • Run through first base on any close play 
  • How to properly round a base 
  • First base coach should communicate: “Round and Look” or “Run through it” or “Go two” 

10U and 12U – Same as above with one more level of depth 

  • Stealing 
  • Secondary leads 
  • Quick look into catcher on steal to see if pass ball 
  • Do everything aggressively 
  • Tagging up 

Pitching Coaching & Fundamentals

All interested players, including 8U players, should start to learn the fundamentals of pitching 

  • All coaches should at least introduce pitching to their teams and dedicate a portion of practice or two for the introduction of pitching basics
  • We need to spark interest 
  • At higher levels, teams cannot be competitive without pitching

Pitching requires extra effort and practice. 

  • Expectations should be set with players and parents that improvement in pitching happens mostly outside of regular practice
  • RAA will make every attempt to facilitate a pitching clinic or two
    • During these clinics players, parents and RAA coaches can work with pitching coaches to learn the proper fundamentals of pitching
    • Players and parents will also be introduced to pitching coaches who’s services they can use if a player is interested in more advanced pitching instruction

10U and 12U Recommend a dedicated 30 minute pitching and catching sessions prior to schedule practice if possible 

  • This should be open to anyone interested There are several good coaching videos on YouTube 

The commissioners will provide some oversight to help with pitching as required. 

Pitching is extremely difficult. Practice should happen outside of games. Some may struggle with being under the microscope in a game situation. Coaches should keep this in mind. 

Links to Effective Pitching Drills (These are just suggested ideas for those who may need pointed in the right direction.)

Coaching Summary

Teaching, teambuilding, and fun should be at the forefront of everything we do.

Do not overwhelm players by introducing every skill at once; all of this content needs to be introduced and taught progressively. 

Players should receive praise when they perform well and should receive corrective feedback when they make mistakes and/or areas for improvement are identified.

Encourage communication. Offense everyone on the fence cheering. Defense always communicating. 

Place emphasis on and encourage being a good teammate and leader. 

Create team awards: helmet stickers, game MVP(s), etc.

8U and 10U need a positive experience; that will require the right mix of fun, competitiveness and movement.

If kids are learning, being encouraged, and having fun then they will want to show up for practices and games where they will get reps. Reps lead to improvement. Improvement leads to wins.